script for the size of data log and locations.
use master go if exists ( select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o where o.xtype in ('U') and = object_id( N'tempdb..#DB_FILE_INFO' )) drop table #DB_FILE_INFO go if exists ( select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o where o.xtype in ('U') and = object_id( N'tempdb..#DB_INFO' )) drop table #DB_INFO go set nocount on go create table #DB_FILE_INFO ( [ID] int not null identity (1, 1) primary key clustered , [DATABASE_NAME] sysname not null , [FILEGROUP_TYPE] nvarchar(4) not null , [FILEGROUP_ID] smallint not null , [FILEGROUP] sysname not null , [FILEID] smallint not null , [FILENAME] sysname not null , [DISK] nvarchar(1) not null , [FILEPATH] nvarchar(260) not null , [MAX_FILE_SIZE] int null , [FILE_SIZE] int not null , [FILE_SIZE_USED] int not null , [FILE_SIZE_UNUSED] int not null , [DATA_SIZE] int not null , [DATA_SIZE_USED] int not null ,...